Many persons seek a great product to sell. The right product will move quickly and generate a mountain of cash. Some persons find the right product but most don’t. A few persons take common everyday products, deliver great service and build a successful business.
Good service can make a big difference. Whether a service or a product is sold, there is one thing that is essential – the service. In other words, if a service is sold we must deliver good service. If a product is sold, good service must be delivered too. In Trinidad and Tobago, the most neglected aspect of business is the service. Generally, more attention is given to the physical product than service delivery. That may change if we looked at service as a product (SaaP).
Service is intangible. However, if we think of it in the context of a physical product we may better relate to the qualities that make service standout. Physical products have discernable qualities like the value derived from its use. Physical attributes determine the utility of the physical product like features, quality of components and design. Service has its own attributes. According to Berry et al (1990) the primary attributes of good customer service are and I quote:
1. Tangibles. The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials.
2. Reliability. The ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.
3. Responsiveness. The willingness to help customers and to provide prompt service.
4. Assurance. The knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence.
5. Empathy. The provision of caring, individualized attention to customers.
As can be seen most attributes are human driven.
Service must be delivered at a predetermined standard. The standard must be acceptable and differentiated. Customers must know the service quality to expect. The expectation must be that of a positive experience rather than a negative one. In Trinidad and Tobago, where service standard are sadly lacking, service differentiation is not difficult.
Consistent customer experience means that service delivery must meet or exceed a minimum acceptable level every time. Since service is primarily a function of human interaction it is important that the service providers display the right attitudes and behaviors. Moreso, individuals must have the presence of mind and self-control to effectively manage encounters with customers. This is an important skill. Staff training and selection are critical to having persons with the right disposition.
Innovation is lacking in service. Most innovations are product related. However, innovation is not limited to products only. Service is an open field for innovation, especially in-house innovation. Improved customer interaction is not meant to paint a broader smile or extend a longer arm. It means alteration of the customer engagement process. In other words, what can be done to enhance customer experience.
Like everything else service has a cost. There are tangible costs, quantifiable in dollars and cents and intangible costs. Intangible costs cannot be quantified but contribute to the inherent cost of doing business. Intangible costs may not be directly associated with the business but can be incurred by both firm and customer. For example, the cost of telephone calls by a customer to a business. Phone costs may be negligible to the customer but the time taken to make repeated calls can be aggravating. What can be done to reduce the aggravation?
Great service can successfully sell most products. In the online world service matters most. One parting caveat, the customer is not always right, however, the response to the customer, even if he is wrong, should always be the right one.
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